Mud Pump Material Factory and Suppliers

In slurry pumps, the impeller and the inside of the pump casing are always exposed to the slurry and must therefore be protected against wear accordingly.

"The choice of material for the impeller and pump casing is as important as the choice of the pump itself!"


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Three different conditions that generate wear in slurry pumps.

Abrasion, erosion, corrosion


Wear is divided into three main types.

In slurry pumps, we have mainly abrasion and low stress wear.

The rate of wear depends on particle size and hardness.

Wear in slurry pumps occurs in only two areas.

a. Between the impeller and the fixed inlet.

b. Between the shaft sleeve and the fixed packing.

2. Erosion

This is the main wear of the slurry pump. The reason is that the particles in the slurry hit the material surface at different angles.

The way the pump is operated can seriously affect erosion wear. In general, erosion wear is lowest at BEP flow rates and increases as the flow rate increases and decreases.

For some poorly understood reason, erosion wear can also increase significantly if the pump is allowed to operate under "snoring" conditions; that is, drawing air into the intake tube.

It is thought that this may be caused by cavitation, because the pump surface will vibrate when air flows over the pump surface. However, this is difficult to accept because air bubbles usually inhibit cavitation by moving to fill the vapor chamber.

There are three main types of erosion.

Effects of erosion on pump components.

✺ Impellers

As the air stream rotates 90°, the impeller is subject to impact wear (high and low), primarily on the eye, gland side shroud (A). At the leading edge of the blades (B).

Slip bed and low-angle impact occurs along the impeller between the impeller shrouds (C).

✺ Side liner (inlet and back liner)

Side liners are susceptible to sliding bed, crushing and grinding wear.

✺ Worm casing

The worm shell is subject to impact wear from cutting water.

✺ The rest of the worm shell undergoes bed-slip and low-angle impact wear.

3. Corrosion.

Corrosion (and chemical attack) of wet parts in slurry pumps is a complex phenomenon for both metal and elastomeric materials.

As a guide, chemical resistance tables for metals and elastomeric materials are given below and in the Chemical Resistance Tables section.



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