
目前显示的是 五月, 2024的博文

What Are Vial Stoppers Made Of?

  Vial stoppers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other sensitive substances stored in vials. These stoppers are designed to create a secure barrier that prevents the entry of contaminants, ensures product sterility, and maintains the quality of the contents over time. The choice of materials for vial stoppers is a critical consideration, as it directly impacts the stability, safety, and effectiveness of the stored substances. Various materials have been employed over the years, each with its own set of advantages and limitations.     1. Natural Rubber:   Natural rubber  was one of the earliest materials used for vial stoppers. Harvested from the latex of rubber trees, it provided good sealing properties and flexibility. However, natural rubber has limitations, such as the potential for extractables and leachables, which could contaminate the contents of the vial. Additionally, some individuals may be allergic to proteins found in natura